Q & A with Morrow County Commissioner Tom Whiston- candidate for 87th district state representative


What are the major issues facing your county, and what would you do about them if elected?

The number one issue facing our county and the 87th district and the state and nation as a whole is the heroin and opiate drug epidemic. We have many issues facing us locally including maintaining our infrastructure and creating good jobs for our residents. The need to support our largest industry of agriculture and reduce the tax burdens faced by all is another. The issue of the high cost of health care is one that I see personally on a daily basis.

I will continue to work on these issues as I have for many years. I have worked tirelessly on the medical front to combat the drug epidemic that we face. I am committed to running government as a business and stimulating development while improving the efficiency of government and reducing taxes. I will continue the fight against the high cost of healthcare and strive to promote our strong agricultural base. Morrow County is growing and I have worked as a Mayor and a Commissioner to make government responsible to the residents. My experience as the Past President of the Ohio Pharmacist’s Association has been instrumental in the passage of legislation promoting good health and reducing prescription drug abuse. I would work hand in hand with Senator Dave Burke to continue to make Ohio a great state if elected.

Why are you the best- qualified candidate for the position you are seeking?

My qualifications for this position are a good education and a diverse work experience dealing with all of the issues faced in our district. I am a lifelong resident of Morrow County. I am a father and grandfather that wants only the best for our children and grandchildren’s future. I have served in the private sector and in government. I have served as Mayor of Mount Gilead for 11 years and now as a County Commissioner. I know how government works and how to implement changes to make it better. I have worked at the state level and have experience working on legislation. My balance of being a businessman, a health care professional, and an elected official give me the most rounded experience to be a state legislator.

What else would you like to say to voters in your county?

I have been blessed to serve Morrow County for many years as a Pharmacist and run Whiston Pharmacy. I have developed leadership skills from being involved in government at a local, county, and state level. I care deeply about our region and the people that I currently serve and hope to continue doing so as Jeff McClain’s replacement as our State Representative. I have earned the respect and endorsement of every non-judicial elected official in Morrow County as well as Congressman Pat Tiberi, State Senator Dave Burke, and State Representative Jeff McClain. Thank you in advance for your personal support and vote on March 15th. You can find out more about my campaign at www.tomwhiston.com or call me at (419) 947-3930. Take care and God Bless!


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