Q & A with Wes Goodman- candidate for Ohio 87th district representative


What are the major issues facing your county, and what would you do about them if elected?

My family has called Morrow County home for three centuries. My great-great-grandfather was our town blacksmith in my hometown of Cardington. His son was the town mechanic. Since then our family has farmed across the county. My wife and I are proud to call this place home, and I owe this county a lot for the opportunities it has given me. I am running for state representative because I want new generations of Morrow County residents to be as proud and happy to call our part of Ohio home as my wife and I are. I have traveled the county during this campaign to listen to your voice and your hopes and dreams for our future. I have heard you loud and clear. Like me, you are increasingly frustrated by politicians who have stopped listening to us and stopped fighting for the conservative values and principles we believe in. You feel betrayed by those who say one thing to get elected and do another in office. You are angry that the agenda of ordinary folks gets looked past while the go along to get along politicians pass their own agendas. In short, it does not feel like government is on our side anymore.

You also realize it is not our government that makes us special. It is the ideas and principles behind it, and our people, that make us the greatest nation on Earth. Despite our challenges, I have heard and been inspired by the patriotic optimism across our county. I share your optimism, but know that it will take new conservative leadership to get our state and our nation on track. I am running for state representative because the stakes are too high to send anyone but a proven, effective conservative to Columbus.

It is critical that our next state representative lead the fight on behalf of our state and our citizens against an increasingly out of control Washington. Whether it is stopping Obamacare and Common Core, protecting the right to life and Second Amendment, ending the abuse of power of rogue agencies like the IRS and EPA, or keeping refugees from countries that harbor terrorists out of Ohio, our next state representative has to be committed to standing up for us in Columbus against Washington overreach.

We must also work to make Ohio more regionally and nationally economically competitive so that our families and small businesses have more opportunities here. It starts with limiting the size and scope of state government by cutting wasteful spending, opposing disastrous tax hikes and phasing out the state income tax, and making sure that our regulations are common-sense and predictable. It means making sure that parents, families, and communities have more choice and control in education so that our kids have every shot at success. It means that we support the development of our own natural resources to keep energy costs for families and businesses low. It means standing with Ohio’s farmers and agriculture against harmful regulations coming out of Washington. It means standing with Ohio’s workers to make sure that they have the freedom to work. And it means standing with patients and providers to make sure that quality, access, and choice are driving health care decisions, not government.

Why are you the best-qualified candidate for the position you are seeking?

I have the most proven and the most consistently conservative record in this race. For much of the last decade I served on the staff of our Congressman Jim Jordan helping him to serve our part of Ohio and fight for conservative policies. I am honored to have his support in this race. I know how to be an effective conservative in a legislative body, pass conservative policy, and deliver results for the citizens I hope to have the honor to represent.

I also believe strongly that we need new conservative leadership. I have never run for office before. I got into this race because too many of our career politicians have stopped fighting for what matters to us. Continuing to elect the same people and expecting different results for our county, our state, and our nation will not work.

I’m proud to be the endorsed conservative Republican in this race. We have been endorsed by Congressman Jim Jordan, Ohio Right to Life, the Associated Builders and Contractors of Ohio, Ohio Pro-Life Action, Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio, Citizens for Community Values Action PAC, Ohio Family First PAC, the Ohio Citizens PAC, and business leaders, pastors, community leaders, and current and former elected officials across the district. I also have the highest rating in this race from Buckeye Firearms Association. I’m the only candidate in this race who has pledged to oppose tax increases.

More importantly, I have a heart to serve this community. I have knocked on over 5,500 doors here because my voice can only be effective if I’m listening to you. I will work every day to advance our conservative agenda, not the agenda of government.

What else would you like to say to voters in your county?

Every Republican runs for office as a conservative. The choice before you is who has a demonstrated commitment to fighting for a conservative agenda. Who is willing to challenge the status quo and the career politicians in both parties to stand up for our values and principles and our part of Ohio? Who has most clearly articulated a conservative vision that inspires you and gives you hope that with the right new leadership and the right policies our best days lie ahead. If we stand up and stand together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish with hard work. If you stand with me on Election Day, I will be honored to stand for you in Columbus to fight for the things that matter to us. Together, we will truly make our part of Ohio the best place to live, work, raise a family, start a business, and live the American Dream. Thank you for your vote and for your support, and may God bless you and your family.

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