Ohio reports steady increase in jobs

Ohio Governor John R. Kasich issued the following statement recently in response to newly released data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics showing that Ohio created 417,700 new private-sector jobs in the past five years. This new information is part of the federal government’s annual recalculation of jobs data and confirms that Ohio’s already-strong jobs picture continues to improve.

“By making economic development our number-one priority and working together to tear down the barriers to job creation, Ohioans have succeeded in lifting up our state. Families and communities are benefiting from the kinds of good job opportunities many said had left Ohio forever. We are back on track and getting stronger, and I couldn’t be happier with the progress we have made together to strengthen Ohio. We will continue to pursue jobs-friendly policies that help create opportunities for all Ohioans to succeed,” said Kasich.

The newly released jobs report shows that Ohio gained 7,700 new private sector jobs in January and the annual benchmarking process revised Ohio’s job figures higher than had previously been reported.

Under Kasich’s leadership, Ohio launched the expanded OhioMeansJobs.com website, connecting individuals looking for employment and employers looking to hire. The website is also a full-fledged online career center, providing a menu of career services for all Ohioans, including: high school and college students, out-of-work Ohioans, veterans, and employers.

More than 180,000 job openings are currently posted on OhioMeansJobs.com, and nearly half of those positions pay more than $50,000 annually.

Revised federal data shows 417,700 new private-sector jobs created in past five years

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