Q & A with Dick Miller- incumbent seeking Morrow County Commissioner re-election


What are the major issues facing your county, and what will you do about them if elected?

A: Morrow County is growing with issues similar to other counties. Public safety, Infrastructure, under employment, Economic Development and a budget to match current demand for services are priorities. Fixing these problems is a matter of providing leadership and collaboration with those who have the ability to address the issues. For example, to reduce crime and illegal drugs takes money and a special supportive relationship with the County Sheriff. Better roads and bridges are a reality in Morrow County because of hardworking County Employees, better funding and again close collaboration with the County Engineer. The issue of under employment can be solved through workforce development and focusing our Economic Development efforts on attracting high tech and other companies who pay higher wages. If re-elected I will continue the collaboration and relationship building with all who are involved in making Morrow County a new song better place to live and work.

Why are you the best-qualified candidate for commissioner?

A: My education coupled with my work experience matches perfectly to what I do every day as a County Commissioner. My business experience in lending, insurance, real estate, utilities, along with building roads and bridges as a Army Combat Engineer, are the best evidence of my qualifications. I have also learned to listen closely, collaborate well and solve problems as a hard working member of the Board of Morrow County Commissioners.

What else would you like to say to voters in your county?

A: When I ran for Commissioner four years ago my slogan was “We Can Do Better”. This election, the slogan is “We Are Doing Better.” I can honestly say to you today, there is no area, office or department of Morrow County Government that is not doing better than when I took office four years ago. Thank for your past support. I respectfully ask for your vote on March 15, 2016.

Staff report

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