Q & A with Warren Davis- candidate for Morrow County Commissioner


What are the major issues facing your county and what will you do about them?

Drugs and crime are at the top of my list. They go hand in hand, if you have one you have the other. My top priority is the sheriff and prosecutor’s office. I will work closely with the sheriff and prosecutor on their budget to utilize every dime to see where we need to change and/or add revenue. The next major issue is we tend in our county to live like Bill Murray in the movie ‘Ground Hog Day’. We keep electing the same old style of thinking. This makes us stagnant. For example, at the Young Professionals debate in Cardington, I outlined my plan for commercial tax abatementand the rebuttal was (I don’t think we have ever done it that way in our county before.) Folks, this our problem, we need new thinking.

Why are you the best qualified candidate for commissioner?

I have spent the last 17 years involved one way or another in local government. Eight of those years were spent as a N. Bloomfield Twp. trustee. During that time I was president of the Morrow Co. Twp. Trustee Association, I represented the Twp. on the DKMM board, Regional Planningand Health Dept. Advisory Council. I started a Maintenance program, a very successful mowing program, a cemetery clean-up and restoration program. I attended commissioner and elected official meetings. Anything to make myself a better trustee and prepare me for the office of commissioner. I didn’t decide recently to run for this office. Five years ago I applied for appointment when Rodney Clinger resigned his position as commissioner and last year I ran as a write in candidate for commissioner. Write in’s usually get 2-3 votes. I received over 600 votes, a feat I am very proud of. My work has allowed me to travel out of the county where I have been able to see how other local governments, school systems, businessesand farming/ranching operations work. I am a trustee on the Morrow County Farm Bureau board, historical society memberand life member of the National Rifle Association. I bring a new vision, insight, experience, outlookand persistence that will be a totally new breath of fresh air to the commissioners office.

What else would you like to say to the voters in your county?

Excluding the engineers office (which is not under the direct control of the commissioners). We in the county are not doing better the last three years. Sheriff deputies and some court employees continue to be at a constant turnover due mainly to wages and benefits. The age old issue of the dog shelter was only resolved after dogs drowned and our friends and neighbors in the county said enough is enough. That is when two very, very special people stepped up and through their generosity, the new building was erected. Our 911 and ems system has been in constant turmoil for the last two years due to the takeover attempt by the county. With your vote placing me in the commissioners office, we will begin to act, not react to our issues. Thank You.


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