Morning briefing – Jan. 6


HUSTED SENDS PROPOSAL TO GENERAL ASSEMBLY – Pursuant to Article II, Section 1b of the Ohio Constitution, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted on Tuesday transmitted the proposed statute, known as the “Fresh Start Act,” to the leaders of the Ohio House of Representatives and Ohio Senate for their consideration.

On November 6, 2015, Secretary Husted certified that petitioners seeking to place this initiated statute before the General Assembly collected 117,418 valid signatures. In order to bring the issue before the General Assembly for consideration, petitioners needed 91,677 valid signatures, a number equal to three percent of the total vote cast for governor in the most recent gubernatorial election, 2014. They also needed to collect signatures equaling 1.5% of the total vote cast in the most recent gubernatorial election within at least 44 of Ohio’s 88 counties.

The General Assembly has four months to act on the proposal. If lawmakers do not pass the law, pass it in an amended form or take no action after four months, petitioners may collect additional signatures in order to place the issue on the ballot.

PORTMAN SETS RECORD – The Portman for Senate campaign today announced that it raised nearly $2.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2015, bringing its 2015 total to $9.8 million raised, a record for an off-year in Ohio and the most of any targeted Senate campaign this year. The campaign will also report a total of well over $12 million cash-on-hand. In the fourth quarter, 80% of the campaign’s donors were from Ohio. In 2015 overall, there were over 8,700 Ohio donors, representing 76% of total donors.

“Raising nearly $10 million in an off-year is not only a record in Ohio, it is a testament to the strong support for Rob. In the same period, campaign volunteers also contacted a record 1,000,000 targeted voters through our door and phone program, demonstrating the tremendous grassroots strength behind Rob,” said campaign manager Corry Bliss. “Voters across Ohio are joining our team because Rob is getting results for Ohio families, and Ohio voters know they can’t afford a return to Ted Strickland’s Ohio when the state lost over 350,000 jobs and ranked 48th in the country in job creation.”

STUDENT RECEIVES REGIONAL RESEARCH AWARD – A student at The Ohio State University at Newark will be presenting his research at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Meeting this spring in Chicago. Brandon Porter recently won a Regional Research Award from Psi Chi, the international honor society in psychology.

“It’s nice to see other people found my research to be as interesting as I do,” said Porter. “It’s an unexpected honor.”

Porter’s research project is called “The Effect of Prosody on Decision Making.” It looks at the emotional tone of how something is said and examines if that could be influential on decision making.

Staff report

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