Hospital renewal levy keeps facility up-to-date


Dear Editor,

We urge the voters of Morrow County to again support the 5 year, 2.5 mill renewal levy for the Morrow County Hospital. Why! Because since this levy was first passed in 1986, the additional funds generated have enabled the hospital board to provide the people of this county access to modern facilities and up-to-date health services. This has truly supported the well-being of all of us by saving, improving, and lengthening our lives.

We personally attest to these fine services because we are presently regular patients in the Cardiac Rehab Lab and have also used other services in recent years provided by the hospital. These included: minor surgery, Emergency Room treatment, appointments with doctors in the Specialty Center, and as a patient in acute care. In all situations, we have been served professionally and competently by the doctors, nurses, therapists, and supportive personnel.

When the hospital had serious financial problems in 1986, we actively participated in and supported the original 5 year, 2.5 mill levy campaign. That “Let’s Keep Our Hospital” campaign proved to be quite successful as 66% of the voters approved the levy. The voters have continued to renew this levy every five years since it was originally approved. This continuing support indicates that the people believe the hospital is needed and playing a vital role in giving us the services to live healthier lives; thus improving our quality of life.

In ending, we believe investing in the Morrow County Hospital is a “no brainer.” Therefore, we urge all voters to join together on November 3rd to once again renew the hospital levy.


Rosie and Charles Giauque


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