4H-IO club gets nature lesson at June meeting


Courtesy Photo Linda Harper of the Honeybee Conservancy spoke to club members about creating bee-friendly environments.
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2015/07/web1_Photo-1-Linda-Harper-4H-IO.jpgCourtesy Photo Linda Harper of the Honeybee Conservancy spoke to club members about creating bee-friendly environments.

Courtesy Photo Nick Greene held an herb raffle for his medicinal herbs project
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2015/07/web1_Photo-2-Nick-Greene-4H-IO.jpgCourtesy Photo Nick Greene held an herb raffle for his medicinal herbs project

Linda Harper, of the Honeybee Conservancy of Ohio, spoke at the June 19 meeting of the 4H-IO 4-H Club about how to protect honeybees.

The club met at Mount Gilead State Park. Environmental Officer Katie Greene invited Harper to speak at the club. Harper advised the club to plant bee-friendly flowers and not use chemicals on plants. She passed out bags containing information pamphlets, honey straws, pencils, and seeds that will grow into bee-friendly flowers.

In other club news, the club voted to go mini golfing at The Infield in Lexington in September. They also voted to buy new club t-shirts.

Health Officer Shayla Barry gave a report on sun protection, and Emma McGillivray presented on the Founding Fathers for her project. At the end of the meeting, Nick Greene held an herb raffle for his medicinal herbs project. He earned $19 for the Mount Gilead State Park nature center.

The next meeting will be held on July 31 at the Mount Gilead State Park.

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