Big Walnut promotes six firefighters


Courtesy Photo From left are Tony Whitt, Anthony Whitt and Brian Newsome.

Courtesy Photo Gaige Goodman and Layne Burson.

Courtesy Photo Jeremy Leonard and Fire Chief Laurie Lovell.

The Big Walnut Joint Fire District promoted six firefighters from “probationary status” to “active duty status” after successfully completing the BWJFD Mentor Program.

The Mentor Program was designed to ensure that every newly hired firefighter is properly trained on the BWJFD operating procedures, tools and equipment. The new hires are assigned to an active duty firefighter to go over the necessary things to prepare the new hire for active duty. Before being released to active duty, the firefighter must complete multiple hours of drive time on each piece of apparatus, demonstrate how to use each tool and be able to successfully complete a series of test scenarios given by the fire chief. Once the firefighter is released to active duty, they are sworn in by the fire chief and issued a leather unit number shield for their helmet.

The BWJFD proudly announces the promotions of Firefighters Tony Whitt, Anthony Whitt, Brian Newsome, Gaige Goodman, Layne Burson and Jeremy Leonard to active duty.

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