I realize that we all know what was happening in November,1920, when Warren Harding was elected president. I want to share some of the related pieces published in the local paper leading up to the election.

“A chicken and roast beef (with noodles, etc) dinner was being served on election day by the Daughters of Veterans. The price was 50 cents!

More importantly “ Lloyd Purvis Tuesday morning while cranking the Maxwell meat market Ford car, sustained a bad injury to his right forearm, which required the services of a doctor and will put the young man out of business for the time being.”

On the other hand, “Emswiler and Holt have begun work on the dam at the Main Street bridge.” The work ws to be finished in the nexf two weeks with the cost around $1500. The completion will do away with a pestilential (I never heard of that word, either) eye sore, insure a water supply, the absence of which has been a constant jeopardy for the town.”

According to the Nov 4, 1920, edition of the Morrow County Independent the owner of the Willits Garage was a friend to everyone as there are two related stories: The republicans (they never capitalized party names back then) met at the Willits Garage which was a “big one,” as they described the speakers.

Two paragraphs later, “the democratic meeting at the Willits Garage was another “well attended meeting.”

A review of voters following the election which elected Warren Harding President, revealed there was a total vote cast in the Cardington Township and corporation of 1084, east precinct – 463, of which 205 were women, west precinct, 321, of which no tabulation of women was made, township 330 and the township made no separate count of women voters. “The women vote however, is estimated at one half all the way around.”

There were other headlines, though, with J. D. Emswiler closing his Harness Store and he listed in an ad all of the hand made harnesses he was selling totaling 33 items. He was also selling all of his footwear.

Meanwhile the Citizens Bank announced New Daylight Protection of the bank — with the installation of a safe — “as good as money can buy installed in our mammoth concrete and steel constructed vault with two sets of doors locked by combination and key.”

Hmm, this bank was reportedly robbed by Dillinger a few years later!

Looking back

November, 1941: One of the six Morrow County men selected for the November Army Induction was Paul Davis of Cardington W. R. Conaway and Son, publishers of the Morrow County Independent, purchased the Union Register newspaper, a Mt Gilead newspaper. The Independent was issued on Wednesday and the Union Register on Thursday.

November, 1951: Don Healea was elected Cardington Mayor succeeding C. R. Mateer. Steve and Pearl Maceyko bought the forner Levi Albaugh property on Washington Street for $2300. It was appraised for $3,000.

November, 1971: Plans were announced to form a senior citizens club in Cardington.


By Evelyn Long

Contributing Columnist