Bringing high-speed internet to more Ohioans

It’s pretty simple: Every Ohio family and Ohio business should have reliable, high-speed internet. It’s a crucial aspect of modern society, and one of the most important tools for economic development.

But too many policymakers and executives on the coasts assume anyone, anywhere can get online. They’re overlooking communities across the country and communities across Ohio. It’s elitist and it’s left Ohioans and their businesses behind.

That’s why we fought for investments in Appalachia and other Ohio communities to expand internet access and support economic development. This week we announced $6 million in new investments to expand high-speed internet to thousands of Ohio households and hundreds of businesses, and ensure that more Ohioans will have access to the tools they need to attract jobs, grow businesses, and create opportunities for their kids.

More Ohioans will be able to take telemedicine appointments, download forms, and do their homework. And more communities will be able to attract and grow businesses. It’s pretty basic: when companies choose where to locate and expand, if you don’t have good internet, you often don’t even get a second look.

We also announced investments to expand childcare, train students and workers, and create and retain jobs in the region. That means more opportunities for our students to build a life not just in Ohio, but in the communities where they grew up.

These communities are so often forgotten by Wall Street and ignored by Washington. I’ll never stop fighting for them – that’s what these investments are all about.

Sherrod Brown is the senior U.S. senator from Ohio.