Selover Library awarded grant


Selover Public Library in Chesterville is pleased to announce that it is a recipient of the 2023 Celebrating Ohio Book Awards & Authors (COBAA) grant. Thanks to a grant from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), awarded by the State Library of Ohio, Selover Library was able to add 66 new books to its collection.

COBAA enables libraries to build or expand a collection of books by Ohio authors and books recognized by Ohio-based book award programs. Since 2016, the COBAA grant initiative has provided funds specifically for collection development purposes, connecting Ohio readers to Ohio authors and Ohio book award winners.

The books purchased with the grant funds represent a variety of Ohio author initiatives and Ohio-based book award programs. These include Ohioana Book Awards, Choose to Read Ohio, Buckeye Children’s and Teen Book Awards, Dayton Literary Peace Prize, Floyd’s Pick Award, and Norman A Sugarman Children’s Biography Award. Books purchased with grant funds range from children through adult and include several large print books to help increase services to those with visual impairments.

“We’re excited for this opportunity to expand our collection,” Selover Library Director Martha Wall said. “We will be putting together displays that will allow our readers to get acquainted with more authors from around Ohio. It will allow our patrons access to award-winning books so that they can do more than just hear about what others around the state are reading, but also join the conversation.”

The library invites the public to stop by and check out these new titles. For more information about the library, visit

Submitted by the Selover Library.

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