Cardington girls battle past Fredericktown

By Rob Hamilton

[email protected]

Cardington outlasted Fredericktown in a home girls’ basketball game on Wednesday night by a 55-45 margin. The win improves the team to 11-0 this season and 50-0 in conference play since the KMAC was formed in 2017.

The Pirates had to work for their win, as they only held a 13-11 lead after eight minutes of action. Cardington widened that margin to 28-22 by the half and still held a 36-31 advantage going into the fourth quarter. They were able to outscore the Freddies 19-14 over those eight minutes to preserve the win.

Mikayla Linkous led all scorers in the game with a 21-point effort. Beth Hardwick finished with 13 and Kambry Edwards added eight.

Northmor Golden Knights

Northmor picked up their first KMAC win of the season on Wednesday night, topping visiting Centerburg by a 47-39 score. No further information was available.

Mount Gilead Indians

Mount Gilead picked up a big conference win on Wednesday when they hosted Danville.

In the contest, the Indians claimed a 52-39 decision. No further information was available.

Rob Hamilton can be reached at 419-946-3010, ext. 1807. Connect with him on Twitter at @SportsMCS