Reflections: Cardington activities in past years

Reading through past issues of the Morrow County Independent and Morrow County Sentinel, I find many short items that catch my eye. For instance in the Oct. 5, 1922 issue of The Independent, is a story about the passing of the Old Covered Bridges in the county.

“The old covered bridge, with its livery stable and blacksmith shop advertisements and boards knocked off the side to provide adequate positions for fishing is fast passing into history.

“Morrow County now has but three such structures remaining, one west of Cardington and another just east of Stantontown and the third east of Pagetown, though a few years ago there were more than a score. Several of the old bridges have gone down under the weight and vibration caused by the automobile.

“An automobile with its steady running engine causes an even vibration which rocks the structure from its foundation. Automobile association, state and county engineers see in these old bridges only a menace to public safety and are asking that they be re placed with the new concrete or steel structures.”

A December, 1922 issue of the Independent describes the “final arrangement for the taking over of the Cardington electric light plant by the new Morrow Public Service Company,” which was then giving service to Cardington beginning with the reading of meters that week.

The new company was headed by J. C. and H. C. Dye of Galion and George Stafford of Mansfield The poles for their new high tension line to connect Mount Gilead and Cardington were set as far as the No. 6 School house and the two towns “will soon be connected” though full 24 hours service was not promised until the two plants are connected up with the Scioto Power Co Plant at Prospect from which they will eventually get their power.

The Cardington Plant was under the management of G. M. Schambs.

A third piece notes “Deadly Poison in Beverage,” and describes how two Cardington men, Albert Kramer, former proprietor of the radiator repair shop on Park Street, and V. J. Russell, both of whom were in critical condition.

Upon investigation, it was learned that some persons had placed poison in the cider which was kept in the cellar of the Kramer home along the railroad. The two men visited the home and shared a drink of the cider.

Other parties visited the home and they also became ill. A quantity of the cider was taken for examination and tests revealed the presence of the mercury.

Finally, during a meeting of Cardington council in December, 1929 a petition was issued for a 24-hour watchman a the West Main Street railroad crossing where five deaths in eight months had occurred at that crossing.

Looking back

50 years: January, 1971: Kenneth Heimlich was re-elected president and Fred Gliem, re-elected as vice president of the Cardington-Lincoln Board of Education. Karen M. Bennett of Cardington, was installed as Honored Queen of Bethel No. 50 International Order of Job’s Daughters.

The last baby born at Morrow County Hospital in 1970 arrived at 7:15 p.m. on Dec. 30. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goble of Cardington.

By Evelyn Long

Contributing Columnist