The Northmor show choir Knight Sounds, entertained with a variety of Christmas music when the Morrow County Retired Teachers Association met for lunch Dec. 4 at Trinity United Methodist Church.

Directed by Dana Ruth, the program concluded with a sing-along of Christmas carols.

During the brief business meeting conducted by President Bonnie Hildebrand, volunteer hours were collected and Christmas cards were signed for shut-in members. Pat Rinehart announced a Retirement Planning Seminar will be held on March 20, 2018, at Mount Gilead High School.

A Remembrance Service was held for two members who had died during the year: Pam Keckler and Mary Kay Bosh. An auction of home baked and handmade items to benefit the Scholarship Fund raised $384.

Officers will meet Feb. 26 at 10:30 a.m. at the Edison UM Church. The next luncheon scheduled for April 9 at Trinity UM Church with Carri Jagger presenting a program on container gardening.
