The Mount Gilead School Board has recommended that the voters support a new income tax levy to meet the current needs of our School system. Having graduated from MGHS, and now watching my grandchildren receive their education here, I am committed to supporting this levy.

The operation of our schools has been strained by the continued reduction of support from the State legislators, and the continued increase in regulated requirements from the state/federal educational system. Our local system has reached the point where they need your support to continue the current programs, or face the unpleasant task of making cuts in programs to balance the budget.

We can all find some reason to be negative about decisions that the board makes during the course of their business. But at this point, we should put those issues aside and respect the board members that we put into office.

There are several new board members who reflect the current desires of our community. They were placed in a difficult position given the present financial status of the schools. This was not their doing, but they have analyzed the situation and are willing to offer their support for the proposed levy.

The voters should support the board and provide them the opportunity to succeed in their new positions. You supported our board members at the polls in the last election, please do not let them down now.

Tim Clapper

MGHS Class of ’68