CARDINGTON — A birthday, like Christmas, is important to a child. Once they enter school, birthdays are acknowledged by their teachers and classmates but since the closing of the schools as part of the COVID-19 requirements, their special days have not been celebrated.

So, Cardington resident Tiffany Cronin organized a birthday caravan parade.

Since the closing of schools in March, drivers meet every Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. at Cardington Elementary School and travel to the birthday celebrant’s home serenading them with horns honking and shouts of “Happy Birthday!”

“We’ve been as far as Mount Gilead to celebrate one of the youngsters,” said Brittany Levering, one of the organizers. There are as many as 20 cars and drivers in the caravan.

The Cardington Police Department and the Cardington Fire Department have alternately served as escorts.

“We hope to continue the birthday caravans through the end of June,” Levering said.

Cindy Macklin with son, Owen, holding their happy birthday signs. Macklin with son, Owen, holding their happy birthday signs. Courtesy photo | Brittany Levering

By Evelyn Long

The Sentinel

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