Members of Chester Arbor of the Gleaners met Aug. 5 with 39 members and two guests present.

Also present was Leandra Diedrich, from the home office in Michigan, who helped answer questions members had about the coming convention in October.

Since the last meeting, Chester Arbor hosted a reception for the Morrow County Drug Court graduates, worked a bloodmobile and sponsored an afternoon of Bingo at Woodside Village.

Future events that Chester Arbor will be involved with include the bake sale at the Tomorrow Center on September 12 and the Mission for Life meeting at 1 p.m. on Sept. 29 at All OccasionS, Waldo. Updates were also given the coming IMPACT food drive program beginning Sept. 14 and the Veterans Program on November 2nd.

The group agreed to donate $500 to the EMS of Morrow County to be used as needed. EMS has been providing fans as needed during the hot weather.

The next meeting will be at the Headwaters on Sept. 9 at 6:30 p.m. Call 419-565-2887 or 419-864-7520 for details. Guests are welcome.

By Evelyn Long

The Sentinel