EDISON — Business at the June 18 meeting of village council opened with Street Supervisor Rod Clinger’s report. He said his crew had put in posts for the roof over the pump station.

He is also working on repairs for the two and a half ton truck donated to the village by Anthony Bush. The main use for the truck will be hauling sand and gravel.

Clinger received approval from council to mow the private property near the ball park. It has weeds growing waist-high.

Council member Jeremie West said he had checked with the Mount Gilead School Superintendent about the use of the Edison School property. Nothing has been decided.

Council discussed the possibility of using the property as a park for the village. They generally agreed that it would be a better location for a park than the present space beside the railroad tracks.

Several Council members said they will attend the next school board meeting June 19 to talk with the school board about their plans for the property.

West said he was asked whether the asphalt company would have an advantage being annexed into the village. Council members thought there might be some advantages for both tax and sewer for the company. The council will ask the village attorney.

Council approved payment of bills in the amount of $5,713.97 for May, with an additional $74,802.99 slated for payment on the sewer to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. June payment of bills was approved for $3,561.39.

Council gave approval of Ordinance 2018-04 to vacate the alleyway presently owned by the village on Hill Street between lot 87 and 88. It will be deeded to the adjacent property owner.

Village Treasurer Bruce Seaburn received information at a local government training conference concerning a better investment for the village bank account. The council approved his recommendation to put their account into Star Ohio Account, which is for local governments. The village will receive varied interest of 1.70 percent, which is an improvement over the bank interest of .3 percent.

The next Edison Village Council meeting will be at the usual second Monday of the month at 7 p.m. on July 9 in the Municipal Building.

By Alberta Stojkovic

The Sentinel