EDISON — Village Council members welcomed Vicky Smith as a council member at their July 13 meeting.

Mayor Patti Feustal also noted that Blaine Cochran accepted the position as village zoning inspector after the resignation of Kevin Salisbury.

In other business:

• Feustal said the sheriff’s deputies reported they made 86 traffic stops in June. Most were at stop signs in the village. Council members commented that traffic has slowed down and things have improved since the two deputies became a presence in town.

• Village Administrator Mary Neviska reported that a new pump was purchased and installed for the water/sewer department and the spare pump was repaired. She said street department employees have been working on mowing and clean-up of branches and streets around town.

• Neviska asked Village Attorney Rob Ratliff the best way to dispose of the abandoned vehicle on one of the village’s recently acquired properties. Ratliff said abandoned vehicles on the street can be tagged and cited by the sheriff and be towed off. Feustal said that some of the car owners who received letters have already gotten rid of their abandoned cars.

• Jim Burson reported on what is needed for the demolition of the house on the Broadway Street property. An EPA permit is required and it is very likely that there is asbestos in the type of shingles on the house as well as in the floor tiles and plaster. It will be required to use an environmental company and he will give names and contact information to Neviska.

• Council voted unanimously to prohibit shipping containers and/or trailers for storage purposes.

• Ordinance was approved governing the maintenance, use and inspection of fats, oils and grease removal devises that discharge into the village sewer systems. Neviska said this ordinance is important since too much grease and oil can clog the sewer system and cause a lot of expense in cleaning and fixing it.

• Resolution was approved to have the mayor prepare paperwork if CARES money is needed due to the coronavirus. Feustal said the money may not be needed, but this makes it possible to apply for funds through the county auditor’s office if they are needed.

• There was discussion of whether a house on a Boundary Street property was zoned correctly and whether the house and garage was built according to zoning ordinance. Ratliff said he will meet with the new zoning inspector and look into the matter.

• Council members discussed with Ratliff how the newly acquired village properties can be sold. He explained how the bidding process worked and what qualifying bid information is needed. Village Fiscal Officer Bruce Seaburn said the final payment on the properties of $2,800 was made to the county auditor and recorder and the properties now belong to the village.

• Council approved bills for June of $15,465.13 and for July of $6,627.39.

• The next meeting of Edison Village Council will be Monday, Aug. 10 at 7 p.m.

By Alberta Stojkovic

The Sentinel