I’m often told by readers that they like to read about Cardington’s history so when I find something with some “new” information, I like to pass it on.

From an 1897 Cardington Independent I share the following piece by the editor regarding the village’s early days:

“Morrow County was established in 1849, carved from Delaware and Marion Counties with the boundary line being the Greenville treaty Line which crosses Marion Street near the Gano residence. The county was established under the administration of Governor Morrow and it was named for him.

“A petition for the establishment of this county had been sent in under Governor Shannon’s administration and if it had been acted on then we might be residing in Shannon County instead of Morrow County.

“Cardington had budded and blossomed into a hamlet prior to that date.

“Isaac Bunker built the first house on the high ground near where the Main Street bridge is and later Horton Howard built a carding mill where the west corporation line leads to the creek near Mathias Loyer’s residemce and some of the timbers may be seen in the bank to this day.

“These names are conspicuous in the history of Cardington for it was first proposed to call the place Bunkerville in honor of its first settler but here were objections in naming if for an individual and it was proposed to name it for the carding mill and the proposition prevailed and the town was called Cardington.

“Thus, you see, that instead of residing in Cardington, Morrow County, we came very nearly residing in Bunkerville, Shannon County. If Morrow County had never been established under its present name or any other, Cardington would now be in two counties, Delaware and Marion.

“The post office would be in Marion county, but the school house would be in Delaware. History does not limp and falter in these statements.|

“Not a century ago, where Cardington now is surrounded by that which establishes civilized life, was a rank and howling wilderness. The Main and Marion crossing was an oozy mirehole, the popular spring was a deer lick, the bottom field bounded by the Olentangy river and the mill race was a wild plum orchard where cob web hall now stands snakes then hissed in the tall weeds and tangled grass and where our educational institution lifts its tall steeple, then the old gray beard trees reared their wind tossed limbs to heaven and croaked dismally.”

I continue to be amazed at what I learn about the founding of my hometown and rather mesmerized by the editor’s use of words in his description of events.

January 1940: According to Ralph Sanderson, fire chief, the Cardington Fire Department answered a total of 13 alarms in 1939, nine of which were in the village. Firemen attended four training sessions during the year.

January 16, 1950 issue of the Searchlight, Cardington school newspaper: Under the title of Want Ads, the following students answered: Bob Mathews: Some good grades (period); Joanne Fricke: A nice big “A” in Latin exam; Ralph Mosher, a new Chevrolet convertible and Evelyn Fricke, money for college.

Some of the businessmen sponsoring the newspaper included Johnny’s Chat and Chew; Longworth’s Confectionary; Hart the Barber, Weaver’s Super Market and Dr. S. L. Brody.


By Evelyn Long

Contributing Columnist

Reach us at [email protected].