The Wayside Garden Club’s members answered the July meeting role call question, “What flowers do you want to learn how to harden?”

After the reading of the minutes and the treasurer’s report, various committees reported.

Marcia Lawyer, Program Committee noted that the books would be audited in August. She also passed around sign-up sheets for hostess, library arrangement, etc. to help prepare next year’s program booklet. The Program Committee will meet on July 29 at Charlotte’s at 1 p.m.

Doris McManis, Civic Beautification, reported that she, Charlotte Benedict and Sue Quigley groomed the uptown fountain garden.

Charlotte Benedict, for County Fair Education announced that she will schedule a planning meeting.

Fair Flower Show committee will also schedule a meeting to plan the Flower Show schedule for the 2017 Morrow County Fair.

The review of the Club By-Laws was deferred to September.

The August meeting will be held at Charlotte’s house. The program will be Watercolor Stamps and Cards; the September meeting will be the Fall Plant and Bulb Sale and the Installation of Officers.

The evening’s program conducted by member Mary Fuller gave many tips on the best method to cut and harden flowers for the horticulture entries and for use in arrangements. The tips included cut extra blossoms; strip off lower leaves when placing flowers in containers, be sure they are not under water or up against other flowers; for woody stems shred the end of stem for better water absorption; and do not soak the oasis too soon.

After the meeting adjournment, refreshments provided by Erica Grooms and Sandra Lanum were enjoyed.
