The Wayside Garden Club met at the Hospice of Morrow County in June and began the evening with a program “edible flowers” presented by Donna Shroyer.

Shroyer explained the various medicinal benefits of many flowers, as well as those that are edible.

She stressed that one should be careful and research since many plants have parts that are edible and parts that can be toxic. She also gave many examples of edible herbs.

Shroyer also passed out a quiz “What Plant Am I?” with 20 questions. Sandra Lanum had the most correct answers and won a bottle of rose water.

Seven members answered the roll call question “What is the most unusual flower you have eaten?” Minutes of the May meeting were approved as read.

The club’s first outing will be on July 7. The group will visit Saksa Daylilies, Marcia’s garden and then Groovy Plant Ranch.

Luan Uncapher will be hosting an open house at her new home in August.

Civic beautification

A date will be set to groom the Fair Floral Hall Garden. Hospice plans to redo their back garden and will contact us when they need our assistance.

New business

The club has purchased a copy of the new Exhibitor and Judges’ Handbook.

Uncapher informed the club that a plant sale will be held on July 30 at the Sheep Barn at the Delaware Fairground.

Many nurseries bring in their excess plants for sale. There will be some perennials but mostly annuals.

After the meeting adjournment, refreshments provided by Luan Uncapher and Sue Quigley were enjoyed by all.